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W E L C O M E  T O  B E R G M A N N   U H R E N

Werbeuhren; Armbanduhr; Promotion; clock; watch; classic, new; Werbeaufdruck; personalisierte Uhren; Label; Logo; Leder; Edelstahl; exclusive; individuell; Firmenlogo; Firmenlabel;; Werbeartikel; Automatikuhren; Taschenuhren; merchandising Uhren; Sonderanfertigungen;; Jubiläumsuhren;; Werbeartikel - Merchandising; Prämien; Uhren; Armbanduhren;; Bergmann Uhren Cor, Damen- und Herren-Armbanduhren Nubuk Wildleder-Armband

Here we present some of our sophisticated design classics.

May it be one of the watches with high quality quartz movement,

or the high-quality mechanical Gottlieb Bergmann models,

each watch is handcrafted and serial numbered on the case back. 

Since 2006, we also successfully produce the Popcube Retro radios. 



Wishing you a good time!

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